Today my little listeners, I’m gonna tell you the story of Thumbelina!
Once upon a time, there was a woman living alone in a distant village. She was feeling only after the tragic death of her husband. She always wanted a child, but she hadn’t any. One day, she decided to visit her good friend who was also a witch.
The witch, gave her a grain of barely and said:
go home and plant this.
so the woman did so.
The very next day, a beautiful Tulip flower had grown from the grain. It was so beautiful. the woman hadn’t seen any flower like this in her life. When the flower blossomed, there was a pretty little girl inside it. The girl was no bigger than a thumb.
The woman fell in love with the girl and named her: Thumbelina
Thumbelina took away the woman loneliness. Woman would always tell her stories during the day. Sometimes woman would made a boat out of tulip petal which Thumbelina could row in a plate of water with it!
The woman made a bed with a walnut shell and a blanket out of rose petal for her. So Thumbelina had a soft and cozy bed to sleep every night.
One night, While Thumbelina was sleeping, a frog came by and see her through the window!
Wow! Such a beautiful girl! She would be a great bride for my son! He thought to himself.
So he grabbed Thumbelina and headed back to his house. Seeing his future bride, his son was happy.
I will marry her, daddy! But first, I have to build her a beautiful house.
Ok son! So until then, I will put her on the water lily in the middle of the pond so she doesn’t run away.
So the frog put Thumbelina on the lily leaf in the middle of the pond.
Thumbelina tried so hard to escape, but she couldn’t. So she burst into tears. Two minnows who were sitting under the leaf, heard her crying:
Why are you crying little girl? They asked. What’s the matter?
Thumbelina started to tell her story. When she finished, minnows decided to help her. They started nibbling the lily stem. It was soon after when the stem broke and the leaf floated away with Thumbelina.
But Thumbelina’s happiness didn’t last long. An ugly Beetle came and took Thumbelina to his house! The beetle called his friends and showed them his pretty new prisoner. But they weren’t happy to see Thumbelina!
Oh my friend! You should let her go! She is very different from us. She doesn’t belong here. you better let her go. Said his friends.
So the beetle dropped our Thumbelina in the long grass and flower.
Although she was happy that she was free from her captors, she didn’t know her way back to home! Days came by and she would eat the pollen of the flowers and drink the dew from their leaves.
One day as she was walking, she accidently saw a house that was made of mud. Its entrance was strange and round. She knocked one the door and waited. After a while, a mouse opened the door.
Hello little guest! I think it’s cold out there! Do you wanna come in? Said the mouse.
Yes! thank you!
So what is your story tiny girl?
Thumbelina started to tell the whole story for her new friend.
Don’t worry at all! You can stay here as long as you want.
So Thumbelina started her new life in her new house. She wanted to be useful, so she would cook food every day and tell stories for little mouse.
One day, when Thumbelina was cooking, mouse came by and said:
I invited a good friend of mine. He is one of the richest mice ever.
So Thumbelina cooked a delicious dinner. That night, all three of them talked and had a great time at the dinner table. The rich mouse fell in love with Thumbelina and said:
I will marry you! I want you to come with me and visit my house!
Thumbelina had no choice, So The three of them headed to the house of the rich mouse. in the middle of their journey, they reached a tunnel where they found an injured swallow.
What is he doing down here?! He should be in the air! Said the rich mouse rudely and kicked the swallow!
Thumbelina was shocked.
How could anyone treat another like this! Oh dear! She thought!
So she ran away when she got a chance. She hid behind a rock and waited for the mouse to go! Then she came back and took care of the swallow until he was fine and healthy again. It was spring and the swallow was able to fly again.
I have to go and find my family! They went to a warmer place! come with me! We’re gonna have so much fun! Said the swallow!
But Thumbelina had enough adventure! So she said goodbye to the swallow and he flew away!
months passed and Thumbelina was still wandering in the nature when she stumbled upon the rich mouse again!
OH my beloved tiny bride! I’ve been looking for you for months! Now that I found you, you have to marry me!
Thumbelina knew that there is no way out of this!
OK! But please let me spend just one day more in the open air before coming with you to your underground house.
As she was spending her last hours in the open field, she heard a familiar voice:
Come! Come away with me where your sprit will always be free! Said the swallow!
Happy of meeting her old friend, she agreed to go on a trip with him. She hopped on his back and they took of. They flew over forests, oceans and lands!
When they reached the land of flowers, The swallow landed Thumbelina on a beautiful rose petal and said:
This is the kingdom of flowers! And This is their king!
He was a handsome young king with a pair of wings who was surrounded by lovely flowers. The king immediately fell in love with Thumbelina!
Source: moonzia
Once upon a time, a poor miller lived with her three sons. Years has passed and the miller of our story got old and died. He left nothing for his sons except a mill, a donkey and a cat. The oldest boy took the mill. The middle one took the monkey. So The cat was the youngest boy share.
Well! The youngest boy whispered, I will eat this cat and make some gloves with its fur! And that is the end of it! I won’t have anything else and I will die out of hunger!
The cat, who was listening stated to talk:
OH dear master! Don’t be sad at all! Just give me a bag and a pair of boots! The will show you that I’m not such a bad inheritance!
The boy, who saw many trick from the cat over all that years, which it performed to catch mice like pretending to be dead or hiding in the grain. So he thouth:
It doesn’t seem impossible that this cat could help me!
So he gave his bag to the cat and spend his last coins for buying a pair of boots for it!
looking gallant in the boots, he put bran and corn in his bag and put it around his neck. Then he slept near rabbit nest, pretending to be dead. He waited for innocent rabbits to come around and look for corn and bran.
Not very long after, a stupid naughty rabbit came and jumped into his bag. The Puss quickly closed the bag. Happy with his caught, He went to the palace and asked for talking to the emperor!
OH! His Majesty! I brought you a warrior rabbit! My proud master, Marquis of Carabas, ordered me to present to you.
Tell your master that I thanked him and he does me a great deal of pleasure.
After that, Puss again hid in the cornfield, holding still his bag open, and when a brace of partridges ran into it he closed the bag and caught them both. He went and made a present of these to the king, as he had done before of the rabbit. The king, in like manner, received the partridges with great pleasure, and ordered him some money for drink.
In this way, the cat continued for two or three months to bring presents to the king, always saying that they were from his master, the Marquis of Carabas. One day in particular, he heard at the palace that the king was planning to drive in his carriage along the river bank, and he decided to take his daughter with him. The Princess was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom.
Puss in Boots said to his master:
Follow my lead and your future is made. You have to but go and wash yourself in the river, in the place that I shall show you, and leave the rest to me.
The youngest son did the exact him, without knowing why or wherefore. While he was washing, the king passed by, and the cat began to cry out:
Help! Help! My Lord, Marquis of Carabas, is drowning!
At this noise the king put his head out of the coach window, and finding it was the cat who had so often brought him such good things, ordered his guards to run quickly to the aim of his Lordship, the Marquis of Carabas.
While they were helping the poor Marquis out of the river, the cat came up to the coach and told the king that while his master was washing, there came by some Thieves, who took his clothes:
Thieves! Thieves! He moaned!
This tricky cat had hidden the clothes under a great stone. The king immediately commanded the guards of his wardrobe to run and prepare one of his best suits for the Lord Marquis of Carabas.
Source: moonzia
That day Dim Dim and his friends gathered around the square!
DimDim said excitedly:
I’m going to tie a Dinocity flag around my neck and wear a tasseled hat!
Dinosol said:
So I will wear my beautiful skirt and colorful wig.
I really love football! I go to Sangi Stadium to see all the matches! We will definitely have a lot of fun this time! said Dinomani.
Yeah! Sure! Aha! Is your seat number written on your ticket?
DimDim said:
Yes! My seat number is 879!
My seat number is 877!
Hooray! So we sit together! What is your seat number?
Dino Money said with a big smile:
Seat number 7!
Dinosol and Dim Dim said together:
What?? You must be joking!!!
No! Why joke?!
Dinosol said:
The seat number seven is very close to the field! That is a VIP seat!
Yes! I have bought a VIP ticket!
Dim Dim said with regret:
Good for you!
But Dinosol said:
After all, there is nothing special! It is the same football match! But he will be a little closer!
Dinomani said:
Does not matter? You sit at the end of the stadium and I sit right next to the field! I can touch the match ball!
Dim Dim said:
Are you really telling the truth? I also like to sit there!
Dinomani said:
Come on! Buy a ticket for the VIP seat! This way we can watch the game together!
Yes! Yes! I’m gonna do the same thing!
Dinosol said:
DimDim! DimDim! Don’t buy a ticket! You have a ticket! The VIP ticket is very expensive, it also shows the same match!
Dinomani said boredly:
You keep repeating yourself! DimDim don’t listen to her! You have a lot of savings! Go take it from your savings and let‘s buy you a ticket!
DimDim, who really wanted to sit in the VIP seat, ran and went home! The whole house was crowded! His father was preparing himself for the match! He had spread flags and colorful hats on the ground and was trying them one by one. When he saw his son, he said:
Where have you been boy?! Hurry up, get ready! We have to go to the stadium and find our seats before the game starts!
Dad! Dad! I want to buy a VIP ticket!
What? VIP? But son! That ticket is very expensive!
Yes I know! But I have the money! I have savings!
But my son! You had saved that money to buy something else! Did you forget that?
No! I have not forgotten at all!
His father said:
Well, my son, if you regularly withdraw from your savings and spend, your money will accumulate later and you won’t be able to buy your telescope soon! Does it worth it?
Yes! I want to sit in the VIP seat!
What is the difference between the VIP position and our position, after all? The seat material is the same! We will see the same match!
But I can’t touch the ball from there!
His father started laughing and said:
Touch the ball? Boy! The ball is only on the field and only the players have the right to touch it! Look, my dear! If you want to use your savings and buy a VIP ticket, buy it! But you can’t buy your telescope this way soon!
Source: moonzia
My dear little friends! I’m gonna tell you the little mermaid story!
Once upon a time, far and deep in the ocean, where the water is shiny and blue, lived a sea king who had six mermaid daughter. Five of them were happy and cheerful while the youngest one was deeply sad and no one hadn’t seen her smile.
The little mermaid wanted to see the surface world! She loved to see green trees and blue sky. Because of that she always swam to the top of the ocean to enjoy the surface world’s view. She felt depressed when she couldn’t see the above world.
Georgios fish, beautiful shells and all the colorful creatures in the sea were always trying to make her smile but they usually failed. Even her father’s bedtime stories couldn’t cheer her up.
One night, the little mermaid swam to the top of the ocean when others were sleep. It was a stormy night and waves were crashing into rocks. The lightning stroke to a ship which was rolling in the ocean. The little mermaid saw a man beside the ship, signaling for help.
She swam and helped him quickly. She brought him to the shore and rested him on sands. The little mermaid fell in love with the young man in that short time. So she started to sing a song with his magical voice for the prince. And then she came back to the ocean.
She was so much in love with the young man that she couldn’t stop thinking about him. So he decided to go and visit the seashore witch and ask her to grant a wish.
The little mermaid wanted to dance and walk on the surface world. she wanted to feel the warmth of the sand. The witch. who was cunning and tricky, stirred her potion with an evil smile.
I will grant your wish! But I’ve got one condition! She said. I will give you the ability to walk and dance. But you’ll be no longer be able to talk and sing. If the prince doesn’t confess to his love for you in three days, your voice will be mine forever!
I agree! I accept your condition!
But let me tell you about the prince! He remembered one and only one thing about his rescuer! Her magical voice.
So my little friends, the witch transformed our little mermaid. After she transformed she went to the shore and sat on the warm sand where the prince was looking for her rescuer. prince didn’t remember our little mermaid:
Who are you? OH! You can’t walk?! Let me help you.
So, the prince took the little mermaid to his palace! On the second day, when little mermaid and prince were sailing on the ocean, prince decided to confess his love to her, but before he get a chance, the evil eels of tricky wish, attacked the ship.
The tricky witch who knew this, hid little mermaid’s voice in a seashell and hung it to her neck. Then transformed herself into a beautiful young woman! Then she started singing on the seashore. when the prince heard that magical voice, he was convinced that the tricky witch is her rescuer. so he decided to marry her!
But our little mermaid had many good friends! seals and fish! they decided to uncover witch’s evil plan! They attacked the witch and managed to break the chain of the neckless! Now it was the time! Our little mermaid got her voice back! She now could tell the prince who she truly was!
But on that moment, the sun set and the third day finished! Little mermaid’s legs turned into a tail and the witch grab her and took her into the deep water of the ocean!
My dear fellows, Today I’m gonna tell you the story of town musicians of Bremen.
Once upon a time, there was a man who had a donkey. His donkey had carried the corn sacks for many years. for him! Yes kids! He was a indeed, a loyal donkey!
But getting old, the donkey became weak and unsuitable for the job! So the owner thought to himself:
Should I keep this donkey or let him go?
Sensing the danger, donkey ran away from the farm and decided to go to Bremen.
Yes! I will be a great musician there! He thought.
He started his journey. He walked and walked until he reached a dog, lying on the road! The dog was gasping like he had just finished a long run!
What are you gasping for, dear friend?
OH! I got old and I can’t go hunting every day! said the dog. My master didn’t want me anymore! So I decided to run away! But, how can I find food?
I know what to do! I’m going to Bremen to become a musician! come with me. We can form a band together. I’ll play the Lute and you shall beat the kettledrum!
So the dog agreed! They were not far in the road when they saw a cat! He was sitting on the road, with eyes full of tears like the ocean!
Fluffy fellow! Why are you crying so hard? Asked the donkey!
How can I be happy when my life is in danger! I’m getting old! My teeth are not sharp anymore! I don’t wanna chase mice anymore! I rather sit near the fireplace and rest! So my mistress wanted to get rid of me! I escaped! But what am I gonna do now?
Join us! You understand night music. So you can be a member of our band! We are gonna be musicians of Bremen!
The cat thought really hard and decided to join them. The three runaways continued their journey and they reached a rooster who was cock-a-doodle-doing with all his might.
Your cock-a-doodle-do goes through and through my skull, said the donkey. What is the problem?
My mistress has guests tomorrow and he told the chef to cook a delicious soup with me for them! this evening I am to have my head cut off. Now I am cock-a-doodle-doing at full pitch while I can. The rooster cried!
Ah you feathery red headed friend! You better come with us and be a part of our band! We are heading to Bremen and become musicians! It is indeed better than death! You have a full pitch voice! Our music will have the best quality! Said the donkey.
The rooster agreed. So the four animal continued their trip to Bremen. In the evening they decided to rest in the forest. The donkey and the dog laid under a large tree while the rooster and the cat settled in the branches. The rooster flew right un the top where he was safer. right before they fall to sleep, the rooster said:
I saw a light! there most be a house not far off!
So we better get up and go! Said the donkey. I’m not comfortable here! We want a shelter.
So they moved further on, and soon saw the light shine brighter and grow larger, until they came to a well lit robber’s house. The donkey, as the biggest, went to the window and looked in.
What do you see, my grey horse? Asked the rooster.
What do I see? Answered the donkey. A table covered with good things to eat and drink, and robbers sitting at it enjoying themselves.
OH! That is just what we want! Said the rooster!
I wish we were there! Moaned the donkey!
Then the animals put their heads together and planned how to best win an invitation to come inside and join the robbers at the feast.
Come, come my friends, said the donkey. We are musicians, so let us sing for our supper.
They began to sing as best as they can. The donkey brayed, the dog barked, the cat mewed, and the rooster cock-a-doodle-do’ed.
Then they burst through the window into the room, so that the glass clattered! At this horrible din, the robbers sprang up, thinking this has to be a ghost, and they escaped in a great fright out into the forest.
The four companions now sat down at the table, pleased with what was left, and ate as if they were going to fast for a month.
My dear little friends! I’m gonna tell you the little mermaid story!
Once upon a time, far and deep in the ocean, where the water is shiny and blue, lived a sea king who had six mermaid daughter. Five of them were happy and cheerful while the youngest one was deeply sad and no one hadn’t seen her smile.
The little mermaid wanted to see the surface world! She loved to see green trees and blue sky. Because of that she always swam to the top of the ocean to enjoy the surface world’s view. She felt depressed when she couldn’t see the above world.
Georgios fish, beautiful shells and all the colorful creatures in the sea were always trying to make her smile but they usually failed. Even her father’s bedtime stories couldn’t cheer her up.
She was so much in love with the young man that she couldn’t stop thinking about him. So he decided to go and visit the seashore witch and ask her to grant a wish.
The little mermaid wanted to dance and walk on the surface world. she wanted to feel the warmth of the sand. The witch. who was cunning and tricky, stirred her potion with an evil smile.
I will grant your wish! But I’ve got one condition! She said. I will give you the ability to walk and dance. But you’ll be no longer be able to talk and sing. If the prince doesn’t confess to his love for you in three days, your voice will be mine forever!
I agree! I accept your condition!
But let me tell you about the prince! He remembered one and only one thing about his rescuer! Her magical voice.
So my little friends, the witch transformed our little mermaid. After she transformed she went to the shore and sat on the warm sand where the prince was looking for her rescuer. prince didn’t remember our little mermaid:
Who are you? OH! You can’t walk?! Let me help you.
So, the prince took the little mermaid to his palace! On the second day, when little mermaid and prince were sailing on the ocean, prince decided to confess his love to her, but before he get a chance, the evil eels of tricky wish, attacked the ship.
The tricky witch who knew this, hid little mermaid’s voice in a seashell and hung it to her neck. Then transformed herself into a beautiful young woman! Then she started singing on the seashore. when the prince heard that magical voice, he was convinced that the tricky witch is her rescuer. so he decided to marry her!
But our little mermaid had many good friends! seals and fish! they decided to uncover witch’s evil plan! They attacked the witch and managed to break the chain of the neckless! Now it was the time! Our little mermaid got her voice back! She now could tell the prince who she truly was!
But on that moment, the sun set and the third day finished! Little mermaid’s legs turned into a tail and the witch grab her and took her into the deep water of the ocean!
The brave prince, who now knew the true story, went and followed the witch and battled her and defeated her!
But my dear friends, prince and little mermaid couldn’t be together anymore! Because little mermaid hadn’t legs anymore! She was really upset!
When her father, the mighty king of the ocean, saw his daughter in that situation, he knew just what he had to do. he moved his magic wand and gave her little daughter two legs!
Soon there was a big wedding on the royal ship! Our little mermaid said goodbye to her family and friends and left the ocean. Her and the prince lived happily ever after.
Read more: 100 free stories for kids
My dear fellows, Today I’m gonna tell you the story of town musicians of Bremen.
Once upon a time, there was a man who had a donkey. His donkey had carried the corn sacks for many years. for him! Yes kids! He was a indeed, a loyal donkey!
But getting old, the donkey became weak and unsuitable for the job! So the owner thought to himself:
Should I keep this donkey or let him go?
Sensing the danger, donkey ran away from the farm and decided to go to Bremen.
Yes! I will be a great musician there! He thought.
He started his journey. He walked and walked until he reached a dog, lying on the road! The dog was gasping like he had just finished a long run!
What are you gasping for, dear friend?
OH! I got old and I can’t go hunting every day! said the dog. My master didn’t want me anymore! So I decided to run away! But, how can I find food?
I know what to do! I’m going to Bremen to become a musician! come with me. We can form a band together. I’ll play the Lute and you shall beat the kettledrum!
The cat thought really hard and decided to join them. The three runaways continued their journey and they reached a rooster who was cock-a-doodle-doing with all his might.
Your cock-a-doodle-do goes through and through my skull, said the donkey. What is the problem?
My mistress has guests tomorrow and he told the chef to cook a delicious soup with me for them! this evening I am to have my head cut off. Now I am cock-a-doodle-doing at full pitch while I can. The rooster cried!
Ah you feathery red headed friend! You better come with us and be a part of our band! We are heading to Bremen and become musicians! It is indeed better than death! You have a full pitch voice! Our music will have the best quality! Said the donkey.
The rooster agreed. So the four animal continued their trip to Bremen. In the evening they decided to rest in the forest. The donkey and the dog laid under a large tree while the rooster and the cat settled in the branches. The rooster flew right un the top where he was safer. right before they fall to sleep, the rooster said:
I saw a light! there most be a house not far off!
So we better get up and go! Said the donkey. I’m not comfortable here! We want a shelter.
So they moved further on, and soon saw the light shine brighter and grow larger, until they came to a well lit robber’s house. The donkey, as the biggest, went to the window and looked in.
What do you see, my grey horse? Asked the rooster.
What do I see? Answered the donkey. A table covered with good things to eat and drink, and robbers sitting at it enjoying themselves.
OH! That is just what we want! Said the rooster!
I wish we were there! Moaned the donkey!
Then the animals put their heads together and planned how to best win an invitation to come inside and join the robbers at the feast.
Come, come my friends, said the donkey. We are musicians, so let us sing for our supper.
They began to sing as best as they can. The donkey brayed, the dog barked, the cat mewed, and the rooster cock-a-doodle-do’ed.
Then they burst through the window into the room, so that the glass clattered! At this horrible din, the robbers sprang up, thinking this has to be a ghost, and they escaped in a great fright out into the forest.
The four companions now sat down at the table, pleased with what was left, and ate as if they were going to fast for a month.
As soon as the four musicians finished eating, they turned off the light, and each found a sleeping place according to his nature and fell to sleep. The donkey laid himself down upon some straw in the yard, the dog behind the door, the cat upon the hearth near the warm ashes, and the rooster perched himself upon a beam of the roof; and being tired from their long walk, they soon went to sleep.
A little after midnight, the robbers saw from afar that the light was no longer burning in their house. Appearing quiet, the boss said:
We ought not to have let ourselves be frightened out of our wits. You! Go and examine the house.
The man finding all was still, went into the kitchen to light a candle, and taking the glistening fiery eyes of the cat for burning coals, he held the candle to them to light it. The cat did not understand what he meant to do, however, and flew in his face, spitting and scratching.
بسیاری از دانشجویان با دلایل گوناگون این روزها به فکر مهاجرت تحصیلی هستند. اما باید توجه داشت که کشور مقصد، دانشگاه و نوع اپلای تحصیلی میتوانند انتخابهای تاثیرگذاری باشند. تحصیل در کانادا آرزو و رویای خیلی از دانشجویان و حتی دانش آموزان است که با توجه به سطح علمی بالا و شهریهی دانشگاههای این کشور، به نظر دست نیافتنی میرسد اما اگر از راه و روش درست مراحل را پیش ببرید، مهاجرت تحصیلی به کانادا، تبدیل به یک رویای صادقه میشود. اگر میخواهید مسیر پر پیچ و خم تحصیل در کانادا را شروع کنید، در ادامه با ما همراه باشید.
کانادا کشوری در قارهی آمریکاست که با توجه به شرایطی که در اختیار مهاجران قرار داده، تبدیل به یک گزینهی مناسب و محبوب شده تا بسیاری تلاش کنند به روشهای مختلف، اقامت دائم و حتی موقت این کشور را اخذ کنند. شرایط ویژه و بسیار خوب فرهنگی، اقتصادی، آب و هوایی و البته سیاسی کانادا، و سطح بالای علمی دانشگاهها باعث شده تا افراد زیادی در مقاطع مختلف، برای تحصیل در کانادا هدف گذاری کنند.
اگر بخواهیم کشورها را بر اساس مزیتهایی که برای دانشجویان ایرانی دارند رتبهبندی کنیم، با توجه به معیارهای اقتصادی، علمی و فرهنگی، لیست ما با لیستی که شامل بهترین مقاصد جهان برای تحصیل باشد متفاوت خواهد بود. در ادامه به بررسی مزایای چند کشور که پذیرای دانشجویان بین المللی هستند، میپردازیم؛
دانشگاههای آمریکا هم از نظر تعداد دانشجویان بینالمللی و هم سطح علمی آنها، رتبهی اول را در جهان دارد اما نسبت به امکاناتی که ارائه میکند، هزینههای زیادی برای دریافت ویزای تحصیلی آن وجود دارد که همین مسئله آمریکا را از لیست اولویتهای بسیاری از ایرانیان، خارج میکند.
پرتغال درست در مقابل آمریکا قرار دارد و بر خلاف سطح آموزشی، مزایا و تسهیلات مناسبی را در اختیار دانشجویان بینالمللی قرار میدهد تا فشار اقتصادی کمتری را تحمل کنند؛ عدم نیاز به مدرک زبان و امکان دریافت ویزای همراه، از دیگری مواردی است که پرتغال را به یک مقصد خوب برای مهاجرت تحصیلی تبدیل کرده است.
استرالیا هم از کشورهایی است که میزبان خوبی برای دانشجویان بین المللی و ایرانی میباشد. آب و هوای بی نظیر و طبیعت دلنشین این کشور، ارائهی بورسیههای تحصیلی گوناگون و رتبهی جهانی قابل قبول بسیاری از دانشگاههای استرالیایی، باعث شده تا تحصیل در استرالیا گزینهی جذابی به نظر برسد.
این کشور با خدود ???? دانشجوی ایرانی تبار، از محبوبترین کشورها برای مهاجرت تحصیلی ایرانیان به نظر میرسد. اپلای تحصیلی ایتالیا به سرمایهی زیادی نیاز ندارد؛ چرا که این کشور تسهیلا و وامهای دانشجویی مختلفی ارائه میدهد تا با دغدغهی مالی کمتری در آنجا تحصیل کنید؛ جالب است بدانید ایتالیا ابداع کنندهی بسیاری از روشهای تدریس دانشگاهی است که این موضوع گواهی بر سطح علمی دانشگاههای این کشور میباشد.
و امّا تحصیل در کانادا؛ اپلای در دانشگاههای کانادا برای دانشجویان از سر تا سر دنیا، یک هدف مهم محسوب میشود. تقریبا همهی دانشگاههای این کشور دارای رتبهی جهانی بالا هستند و میتوان گفت، قویترین سیستم آموزش را دارند. در عین حال علی رغم کیفیت بالا و امکانات بسیار کاربردی دانشگاهها، شهریههای دور از ذهن و عجیب ندارند. یک فاکتور مهم که تحصیل در کانادا را جذابتر میکند، این است که به گزارش OCED، دانشجویان بین المللی این کشور سهم زیادی در بالا نگه داشتن سطح علمی دانشگاهها دارند و این به آن معناست که دانشجویان بین المللی دچار تبعیض نمیشوند و درست به اندازهی دانشجویان کانادایی امکان رشد و پیشرفت دارند.
نظام آموزشی کانادا از نظر ساختاری شباهت فراوانی به ایران دارد اما یک سری تفاوتهای جزئی نیز دارد. به این صورت که با دوره پیش دبستانی آغاز میشود و جز دو ایالت در سایر مناطق، اختیاری است. دوره دبستان 6 سال طول میکشد و بعد از آن وارد راهنمایی (2 ساله) و دبیرستان ( 4 ساله) میشوند. البته تعداد سالهایی که در پرانتز ذکر شد به ایالت هم بستگی دارد مثلا در ایالت کبک، دانش آموزان پس از گذراندن سال 11ام، وارد دورهی دو ساله پیش دانشگاهی میشوند.
پس از اخذ دیپلم، کسانی که قصد ادامه تحصیل دارند وارد کالج یا دانشگاه میشوند که در ادامه به مقاطع مختلف آن اشاره کرده ایم.
شما میتوانید در هر مقطعی از تحصیلات، برای مهاجرت تحصیلی اقدام کنید اما برخی آسانتر و کم هزینه تر و برخی گرانتر و پیچیدهتر هستند. در این بخش سعی کردیم تمامی مراحلی که میتوانید برای اپلای تحصیلی در آنها اقدام کنیم را توضیح دهیم.
این دوره، کمی از فضای آکادمیک فاصله داشته و بیشتر برای ورود به بازار کار و تقویت مهارتهای گوناگون مناسب است. برای گذراندن این دوره، ارائهی رزومهی تحصیلی و مدرک زبان الزامی است امّا اپلای برای این مقطع تحصیلی به علت ریسک عدم پذیرش بالا، شاید بهترین روش مهاجرت تحصیلی به کانادا نباشد.
این دوره با عنوان آماده سازی علمی فعالیت میکند و مناسب افرادیست که از لحاظ سطح علمی و زبان، موفق به اخذ پذیرش دانشگاه برای دوران لیسانس یا فوق لیسانس نشدهاند.
تحصیل در مقطع لیسانس در کانادا، تنها نیاز به مدرک پیشدانشگاهی دارد. مزیت این مقطع آن است که میتوانید با میانگین درآمد ?? دلار روزانه، کار دانشجویی داشته باشید. لازم به ذکر است که امکان اخذ بورسیه تحصیلی در مقطع لیسانس، نزدیک به صفر است.
مهاجرت تحصیلی به کانادا در این مقطع تحصیلی بسیار رایجتر از مقطع لیسانس است. تفاوت دورهی فوق لیسانس در کانادا با ایران، در روشهای متفاوت گذراندن آن است. به طوریکه شما میتوانید جدای از حالت ترکیبی مرسوم در ایران، تنها با ارائهی ریسرچ و پروژه و یا فقط با گذراندن واحدهای درسی، مقطع فوق لیسانس را بگذرانید. برای اپلای، به آیلتس حداقل ? و معدل لیسانس ?? نیاز خواهید داشت.
اکثر دانشجویان ایرانی برای مهاجرت تحصیلی، در مقطع دکترا اقدام میکنند. چرا که گرفتن فاند و کمک هزینهی تحصیلی در این دوره راحتتر از مقاطع پایینتر است. جهت اپلای برای دوره دکترا، باید جدای از آیلتس ?.? و معدل بالای ?? لیسانس و فوق لیسانس، یک رزومهی علمی-پژوهشی قابل قبول نیز داشته باشید.
در هر مقطع تحصیلی، مدارک خاصی نیاز است که اگر قصد مهاجرت تحصیلی به کانادا را دارید بهتر است از حالا به فکر تنظیم و دریافت آنها باشید. در جدول زیر به برخی از این موارد اشاره میکنیم.
| ||
مقطع تحصیلی | نمره آیلتس | مدارک مورد نیاز |
کالج | – | تمکن مالی- نامه پذیرش |
لیسانس | – | مدرک فارغ التحصیلی 12 ساله-تمکن مالی- نامه پذیرش |
فوق لیسانس | 6 الی 6.5 | لیسانس با معدل 14-تمکن مالی- نامه پذیرش |
دکترا | 6 الی 6.5 | لیسانس و فوق لیسانس با معدل 14- تمکن مالی- نامه پذیرش |
اکثر دانشگاههای این کشور، رنکینگ جهانی مناسبی داشته و اعتبار مدرک آنها بسیار بالاست. به همین علت است که تحصیل در کانادا، رویای دانشجویان سرتاسر جهان است. در جدول زیر رتبه بندی دانشگاههای کانادا را از منظر Times و Qs مورد بررسی قرار میدهیم که رفرنس خوبی برای تعیین اعتبار دانشگاههای کانادا خواهد بود.
| ||
نام دانشگاه | رتبه Times | رتبه Qs |
Toronto | 18 | 26 |
British Colombia | 37 | 46 |
McGill | 44 | 27 |
McMaster | 140 | 140 |
Montreal | 111 | 111 |
Alberta | 125 | 126 |
Ottawa | 162 | 230 |
Calgary | 201-250 | 235 |
از آنجایی که هزینههای تحصیل و زندگی در کانادا بسیار بالاست، اکثر افراد در وهلهی اول به دنبال کسب بورسیه هستند البته فاند تحصیلی به هر کسی تعلق نمیگیرد و در هر مقطع دانشگاهی، شرایط خاصی دارد؛
گرفتن بورسیه تحصیلی در کانادا برای لیسانس، در ابتدای امر غیرممکن است و در بهترین حالت، بهتر است به کانادا مهاجرت تحصیلی کرده و بعد از دو الی سه ترم متوالی با ارائهی نمرات بالا، دانشگاه را برای بورسیه، متقاعد کنید.
تحصیل رایگان در کانادا برای فوق لیسانس، با ارائهی رزومهی تحصیلی قوی ممکن است و البته این بورسیه در قبال فعالیتهای پژوهشی و تحقیقاتی که برای دانشگاه انجام میدهید به شما اعطا میگردد.
در مقطع دکترا هم شرایط با مقطع قبلی یکسان است اما فعالیتی که باید در قبال بورسیه شدن انجام دهید تدریس به عنوان استادیار (TA) در دانشگاهست. هر چه مقطع بالاتر باشد، مبلغ فاندی که برای بورسیه شدن به شما تعلق میگیرد بالاتر است.
هر دانشگاه و کشوری، در یک سری رشتههای تحصیلی پیشرو و زبانزد است و نیا بازارکار به آنها گستردهتر میباشد. در کانادا به ترتیب رشتههای زیر از محبوبیت و اعتبار بیشتری برخوردارند؛
قبل از اپلای تحصیلی کانادا، بهتر است اطلاعات مناسبی دربارهی شهریهی دانشگاههای کانادا به دست آورید. دانشگاههای کانادا به نسبت سطح علمی و امکاناتی که دارند، شهریهی معقولتری در مقایسه با آمریکا و انگلستان دریافت میکنند.هزینهی تحصیل در کانادا، به استان، دانشگاه و رشتهی تحصیلی بستگی دارد؛ اطلاعات جدول ذیل تنها به صورت میانگین و تقریبی مطرح شده است:
| ||
مقطع تحصیلی | حداقل شهریه | حداکثر شهریه |
لیسانس | 22000$ | 66000$ |
فوق لیسانس | 9000$ | 63000$ |
از آن جایی که شهریهی مقطع دکترا فرد به فرد متفاوت است و اختلاف زیادی را شامل میشود، نمیتوان به راحتی برای آن سقف و کفی تعیین کرد.
همانطور که میدانید، کانادا کشوری گران شناخته شده که هزینههای روزمرهی آن بالاست. همین مسئله ممکن است باعث نگرانی شما برای مخارج دوران دانشجویی شود. جدول زیر به شما کمک میکند تا بتوانید هزینههای ماهیانه دانشجویی در کانادا را برای خود تخمین بزنید.
| |
عنوان | هزینه حدودی |
اجاره ماهیانه آپارتمان تک خواب | 915$ |
خوراک روزمره | 280$ |
حمل و نقل | 88$ |
بیمه درمان | 40$ |
کتاب و جزوه | 35$ |
تفریحات | 60$ |
علی رغم مواردی که در ? تیتر قبلی به آن اشاره شد، لازم است بدانید که درآمد مشاغل مختلف در کانادا بالاست و در اکثر مواقع کفاف یک زندگی با امکانات عالی را میدهد.
در رابطه با درآمد کار دانشجویی لازم به ذکر است که به عنوان دانشجو تنها اجازهی ?? ساعت کار کردن را دارید که کار کردن خارج از حوزهی دانشگاه، نیازمند شرایط خاصی است؛ حقوق کار ساعتی دانشجویان بین ?? الی ?? دلار است. در ضمن co op یا همان دوره کارآموزی برای دانشجویان کانادا شامل دریافت حقوق میشود.